Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sassy in Lubbock is blogging!

Hey Everyone! After becoming addicted to blogs after reading I'm Living Proof that God has a Sense of Humor I decided it might be time to start my own. It will be a good way to stay connected with family and friends along with getting some useless information out of my head I currently live in Lubbock engaged to my Mr. Perfect Match, wanting a puppy and a puppy walker, planning a wedding (which I am now getting excited about planning) and working a little. So along with putting random tidbits that go through my head, you'll hear about my wedding planning, and all the things that go on in my sassy little life. Plus, daily quotes that I hear that I think are Stefan last night on Top Chef "It's a competition not a butt licking contest" and "I love you so much it's retarded", drunk couple off of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.

And to get to know me a little better here's my procrastination for the day!

A-Available or taken? Engaged.

B-Best Friends? Kim, Beth and Mark

C-Cake or pie? Cake because it has no crust. I'm thinking about this cake that Mark's mom makes....fabulous

D-Drink of choice? Pepsi, Cold Orange Fusion, and Long Island Ice Tea...Oh how I long for a
Long Island...not right now but after 12 would be good

E-Essential item I use everyday? My blow-dryer

F-Favorite colors? Yellow but today I'm digging kiwi

G-Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms?Oh the sour worms

H-Hometown? Uvalde, Texas. Its gorgeous

I-Indulgence? Hair products, Darn Kate for using good smelling stuff.

J-January or February? hmmm...February, it's closer to spring

K-Kids and names? No kiddos and I can't tell you the names I like or you'll take them.

L-Life is incomplete without... love, family, and God. And Pepsi and fries; hey I need those things!

M-Marriage date? July 25, 2009 and August 8, 2009

N-Number of siblings? Two

O-Oranges or apples? Apples dipped in dark chocolate

P-Phobias or fears? I am fearless! Jk....snakes biting me on the rear...I heard somewhere that they can go through the pipes and end in the toilet. Now it can be your fear too

Q-Favorite quote? “I love you its so Retarded" Thanks Nick and Nora!

R-Reason to smile? Fun dates with Mark and seeing our wedding site for ceremony numero uno and twizzlers

S-Season? I like them all but winter should last no longer than a month

T-Tag? To all those I send this too

U-Unknown fact about me: When I was little I had drawn up plans for my restaurant that I was going to open. I had it down to how I wanted the walls to be textured. Now I would love to open a bakery maybe one day

V-Vegetable that you don't like? The Green ones. Green food should be omitted except green m&ms, those are safe

W-Worst habit? Getting irate to quickly

Y-Your favorite food? Puerto Rican Food, can't wait to be on the island and lets not forget Lucky charms

Z-Zodiac? Virgo, and I pretty much fit the description